




再加上來段RAP!!! 甘!!?? 很爽口咧!!!




You had your wishes, but you threw them away.
It made you happy, yeah, for more than one day.
But now your lost and cannot figure a way,
to get out of this lie that comforts you.
And you that I would lie to comfort you.
Renew your wishes, yeah, get out of this fray.
You'll never change if you keep running away.
A little time you need to figure a way.
'Cause you know it doesn't lie in front of you,
and you know it doesn't lie in front of you.
I need a change
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now.
I need a change
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now,
I want somebody else to lead me now.
I said somebody else to lead me now.
Brothers on top chasing all the melodies.
Never can stop 'cause it's a necessity.
Your like the way the northern borders
They make you dance
I think we're changing the sound of sweet romance.
Time to party, juni(12) hon no ude.
Everybody wants to get started
Takatantan! Sweet sounds of the shamisen
Tsugaru style if you know where they're coming from.
Wouldn't be nice if the whole world got along?
Even on the small scale change is possible.
We keep saying these things,
don't even know what they mean,
as if we've never seen the other end of the street.
Start travelling, communicating, educating.
Sing them your song.
You'd be suprised how many people want to hear what your saying.
Apples are red,
but taste the same as green. Wooo!
I need a change.
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now.
I need a change.
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now.
I want somebody else to lead me now.
I said somebody else to lead me now.
----------------------musical interlude---------------------------
I need a change.
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now.
I need a change.
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now.
I need a change.
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now.
I need a change
'Cause it's all gone wrong for me.
(I want) somebody else to lead me now,
I want somebody else to lead me now.
I said somebody else to lead me now.


團員為Maynard(主唱&吉他)、Blaise(主唱&吉他)、tax(鼓)、DICK(貝斯) 共4人。2000年於日本青森縣組成,之後活動據點轉移至仙台,經過幾次的團員更替後,固定為現在的團員。加拿大人兄弟Maynard與Blaise用日 文演唱的歌曲,有著帶有西洋曲風的獨特風格旋律,英文歌詞的作品水準跟西洋音樂比起來毫不遜色。2003年於仙台Tower Records唱片行限定販賣的作品『SPADE』,於該店創下了蟬聯13週冠軍,並榮獲年度銷售總冠軍的紀錄。他們高水準的表演大獲好評,於家鄉仙台的 演唱會門票場場都銷售一空,相當受到歡迎。儘管只是獨立廠牌的歌手,但其受歡迎的程度卻被富士電視台的招牌晨間節目『早起電視』特別專題介紹,2005年 2月9日及4月13日並連續推出2張迷你專輯『Lily』及『Get started』。這二張作品也使得他們的知名度擴展到全日本。終於在2006年1月,他們推出了正式出道的首張單曲「fly」。緊接著推出的第二張單曲 「Around The World 西遊世界」更獲選為富士電視台超高收視率話題日劇『西遊記』的主題曲,而5月底於日本發行的出道首張專輯『thank you 多謝』一推出更獲得日本公信榜專輯榜第5名的好成績,「MONKEY MAJIK 猴子把戲」的走紅指日可待!

PONY題外按: 說真的,聽完以後還有一種感覺。就是台灣的音樂就以種類跟



延伸閱讀: 歡迎點過去可以試聽他們其他的樂曲啦!!


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